Saturday, August 31, 2019

George Washington Most Significant Domestic Accomplishment History Essay

Most important domestic achievement: Washington ‘s most important domestic achievement was to be elected the first president of the United States, every bit good as to be the lone president to be voted in nem con. Twice. The ground I chose this as his domestic achievement is because he set the criterion for future presidents. Most important foreign achievement: Washington ‘s most important foreign achievement was his dedication to neutrality. This disquieted some in France, who felt that they were owed something from the United States. Even during his Farwell reference he warned against going entangled in foreign personal businesss. The ground I chose this as his foreign achievement is because the US was already exhausted after the radical war, and if it were n't for Washington ‘s policy of neutrality, the US could hold been ruined. Economic Policy: Washington ‘s economic policy was centered on refunding Revolutionary War debts, and stabilising the US ‘ economic system. One illustration of this is the creative activity of the first National Bank in 1791, every bit good as the creative activity of the US Mint. Besides, during Washington ‘s presidential term duties were raised in order to assist pay for the war. Washington and Alexander Hamilton ( Treasury secretary ) set the foundation for economic programs in the hereafter. Major Events: Major events include forming the executive subdivision, the confirmation of the Bill of Rights, and set uping the US Federal Judiciary. Most of the major events during Washington ‘s presidential term involved set uping or forming. Again, Washington ‘s presidential term set the foundation for future presidents to come. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction Washington ‘s presidential term was the fact that he was the first president. Washington did n't hold anyone to look back on, or anyone to speak to that had more experience than he did. The authorities model that we have today did n't be back so, he was the 1 that had to set up it. Other Info: George Washington ‘s award is exemplified by the fact that he could hold remained president for every bit long as he wanted to, yet he left after his two footings were up. Washington was an honest, hardworking president, who set the model for the authorities that we know and love ( detest? ) today.John Adams ( 1797-1801 )Most important domestic achievement: Adams ‘ most important domestic achievement was the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts. These Acts of the Apostless were four measures passed in 1798. They included the Naturalization Act and the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act made it a offense to print false or malicious Acts of the Apostless against the authorities. Most important foreign achievement: Adam ‘s most important foreign achievement was maintaining the United States out of the Napoleonic Wars ( Britain v. France ) . The ground this is important because the United States was still retrieving from the radical war, and fall ining in with either Britain or France would hold torn the state apart every bit good as bankrupted it. The hazard for war was particularly high when France began prehending American merchandiser vass. Economic Policy: John Adams was a Federalist, so he believed in bigger authorities and higher revenue enhancements. Adams did n't truly hold any important achievements in the economic field, as he was merely the 2nd president of the United States. Major Events: Major events during Adam ‘s Presidency include the Alien Sedition Acts, the initiation of the United States Navy and Marine Corps, naming John Marshall to the Supreme Court, and stoping the war in France through diplomatic negotiations. Another major event was Adams ‘ midnight assignments of Judgess to the Supreme Court. Major Obstacles: Adams had to follow the great lead of George Washington. Besides, he had to take whether to back up Britain or France in the Napoleonic wars. Other Info: One interesting fact about John Adams is that he was a attorney for the British Soldiers accused of opening fire on a crowd of Americans during the Boston slaughter. Adams and the officers won. After supporting BRITISH, John Adams still made it to the United States Presidency.Thomas Jefferson ( 1801-1809 )Most important domestic achievement: Jefferson ‘s most of import domestic achievement was geting the Louisiana Territory through the Louisiana Purchase. Since Jefferson was a rigorous constitutionalist, there needed to be a particular amendment drafted to give Congress power to buy the district. The district was purchased from the Gallic in 1803 for $ 15 million. Most important foreign achievement: Jefferson ‘s most important foreign achievement was the trade stoppage act of 1807. The act was put in topographic point following the Chesapeake-Leopard incident, where the American Chesapeake refused to subject to a hunt from the British Leopard. The act cut off American trade to Britain and France. Runner ups include the dialogue for the Louisiana district in France and staying comparatively impersonal in Europe. Economic Policy: Jefferson ‘s Economic policy was designed to extinguish American national debt. Jefferson felt that the United States did non necessitate to keep a national debt, and he besides repealed many Federalist revenue enhancements. One of the revenue enhancements repealed was the Whiskey revenue enhancement, which prompted the whiskey rebellion during Washington ‘s Presidency. Major Events: Major events include the Louisiana Purchase, the repealing of Federalist revenue enhancements, an effort to extinguish the national debt, and the beginning of Indian resettlement. Major Obstacles: Most of the major obstructions faced by Jefferson were due to the fact that the United States authorities was still immature. His biggest obstruction was taking all of the thoughts that were thought up before the revolution and do them concrete through Torahs and statute law. His presidential term tested how a philosopher such as Jefferson would work as a politician. Other Info: Thomas Jefferson undertook the battle against Adams ‘ midnight assignments. As you will remember, before John Adams left office he made legion midnight assignments, and these disquieted Jefferson. Jefferson worked difficult to take these assignments, and by making so left many Federalists without occupations. Jefferson besides fought against the creative activity of the first bank of the United States.James Madison ( 1809-1817 )Most important domestic achievement: Madison ‘s most important domestic achievement was eventually guaranting the People of the United States that independency from Britain had eventually been to the full reached. This happened after the war of 1812, in which we fought the British for the last clip in history, and for the 2nd clip in history we won. Most important foreign achievement: Madison ‘s most of import foreign achievement was the war of 1812. The war of 1812 was seen as a 2nd war for independency by some, and truly so. The war started because British naval officers would seek US ships and affect any British crewmans found on board. This, along with trade issues and other things caused tenseness between the United States and Britain. The war started in 1812 and lasted until 1815. The war was fought on land every bit good as on sea. Most of the combat on land was centered on the US Canada boundary line, and in the southern provinces. The ocean contending took topographic point on the Atlantic. The war ended on February 16, 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent. The war ended in a deadlock. Economic Policy: Madison supported the Second Bank of the United States, every bit good as high duties to protect new industries developed during the war of 1812. Since during the war domestic industrial strength was necessary, it was built up. Madison did non desire that industry to vanish after the war, so he implemented high duties. Major Events: Major events include the war of 1812, the initiation of the 2nd bank of the United States, a duty hiking to protect industry, the beginning of the Era of Good Feelings, and the prostration of the Federalist Party. Major Obstacles: The largest obstruction to Madison ‘s presidential term was the war of 1812. Madison is frequently criticized by historiographers for non avoiding war in the first topographic point, and utilizing diplomatic negotiations alternatively. Other Info: James Madison was a president who frequently changed his sentiment on cardinal issues. A major illustration of this was Madison ‘s initial disfavor of the add-on of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution, until he changed his head and became the writer of the Bill of Rights.James Monroe ( 1817-1825 )Most important domestic achievement: Monroe ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the execution of the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise was an understanding passed in 1820 that banned slavery above Missouri ‘s southern boundary line. The via media came after Missouri ‘s application to the brotherhood was rejected as a slave province. The passing of the Missouri via media was a beginning to what would finally germinate into the Civil War, because it began the North/South – No Slave/ Slave division of the state. Most important foreign achievement: Monroe ‘s most important foreign achievement was the establishing of the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was put in topographic point in 1823 and fundamentally said that Europe was non welcome to come and colonise in the western hemisphere any longer, and that any effort at colonisation would be seen as a hostile act toward the United States, and would be dealt with quickly. The Monroe philosophy was a two sided trade though, so if Europe stayed out of America ‘s personal businesss, America would remain out of Europe ‘s personal businesss. Economic Policy: Monroe had troubles implementing economic policies because the terror of 1819 was doing a barbarous economic depression. This was the first major economic problem in the United States, so there were troubles in calculating out what to make about it. The crisis caused bank failures, foreclosures and unemployment ( sound familiar? ) . This was the terminal of the station war of 1812 growing. Monroe aided the economic system with Torahs like the Land Act of 1820 and the Relief Act of 1821. By 1823 the depression was over. Major Events: Major events include the Monroe Doctrine, the terror of 1819, the Missouri issue, the Missouri Compromise, the epoch of good feelings, and assorted internal betterments like roads, toll-roads, and canals. Major Obstacles: The terror of 1819, as it was the US ‘ first major depression. Other Info: James Monroe ‘s most of import part to history was the Monroe Doctrine, which would be brought up infinite times in defence of states in the Western hemisphere, whether it be for their benefit or for ours.John Q Adams ( 1825-1829 )Most important domestic achievement: Adams ‘ most important domestic achievement was the development of the American system. The American system was a high duty that supported internal betterments such as roads and canals. Along with bettering the state ‘s substructure, the American system promoted a individual national currency and a national bank. Adam ‘s program was really ambitious, and because of this non all of his proposals were accepted, but some were. Most important foreign achievement: Adams did n't truly hold any major foreign achievements as president. This is because before he was elected president, he was secretary of province, and as such solved most of the foreign jobs that would hold come up during his presidential term. This does non intend that Adams had a bad foreign policy ; it merely means that he put out most of the fires before they started. Economic Policy: Adams ‘ economic policy was centered on his thought for the American system. This meant that a batch of money was spent on internal betterments to the state, such as the edifice of canals and roads. Some of the betterments include the building of Portland canal and Dismal Swam canal. Adams besides believed in a incorporate national currency every bit good as a national bank. Major Events: Major events include the development of the American system, the effort a incorporate national currency, the constitution of the National Republican Party, and the sign language into jurisprudence of the duty of abominations. Major Obstacles: Adams was a hardworking, loyal to his state adult male who had undeniable intelligence. On paper, these are great qualities for a president. Trouble was that Adams refused to play political relations, and he failed to construct a loyal following. Therefore, he was doomed when re-elections rolled around. Other Info: It was during Adams ‘ presidential term that the duty of abominations was signed into jurisprudence. The South did non like the duty because it put a high revenue enhancement on goods the part had to import. This duty would construct up to the nullification crisis of 1832.Andrew Jackson ( 1829-1837 )Most important domestic achievement: Jackson ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the peaceable declaration of the Nullification Crisis. The Nullification Crisis of came about as a consequence of the duty of abominations, which raised duties on goods that the South had to import. The issue started when South Carolina claimed it had a right to invalidate the duty of abominations. A series of menaces followed the claim, both on the presidents and South Carolina ‘s side. The crisis ended when a via media duty was agreed upon and South Carolina retracted its old statements. Most important foreign achievement: During Andrew Jackson ‘s presidential term, there were no wars or struggles in either Europe or America, so Jackson focused on work outing the state ‘s domestic jobs instead than foreign 1s. Economic Policy: Andrew Jackson is the lone president in American history to pay off the national debt. Besides, he was really against the national bank. Because of this ( after a immense battle ) he vetoed the Bankss re-charter in 1832. After the national bank was removed, province and local Bankss sprang up and began to impart money. The job was that the Bankss lent more money than they had endorsing for. This over loaning on the portion of province and local Bankss was a direct cause of the terror of 1837. Major Events: Major events include the paying off of national debt, the enlargement of the spoils system, the nullification crisis, the closing of the 2nd bank of the United States, the remotion of Indians, and the blackwash effort on Jackson. Major Obstacles: The largest obstruction faced by Jackson was the nullification crisis, and had it non been solved the manner it was, the United States could hold split. This was merely one more measure on the route to the civil war. Other Info: Jackson was seen as a common adult male president. On his startup twenty-four hours people were allowed into the White House, doing it a large party and destroying furniture and rugs.Martin Van Buren ( 1837-1841 )Most important domestic achievement: Van Buren was a president that inherited the economic meltdown that Jackson left after closing down the national bank. In response to the depression and economic meltdown, Van Buren created the Independent Treasury System. This system was created to maintain federal financess, since so many Bankss were fall ining due to the depression. If he had non created this system, federal money would hold gone into the unstable province and local Bankss. Most important foreign achievement: During Van Buren ‘s presidential term, the United States kept out of the wars taking topographic point in Europe, so the foreign policy forepart was reasonably weak during his presidential term. Besides, the McKenzy rebellion took topographic point in Calgary, where the Gallic attempted to subvert British regulation in Canada, but the United States kept out of that struggle every bit good. Economic Policy: The most of import thing Van Buren did economically was to set up the Independent Treasury System. The Independent Treasury System allowed the United States authorities to set federal money in a safe topographic point, instead than in province or local Bankss which were really unstable at the clip. Major Events: Major Events include the terror of 1837, the constitution of the Independent Treasury system, and the deficiency of any kind of strong foreign policy. Major Obstacles: Van Buren was the president who suffered the effects of Jackson ‘s shutting of the national bank. This was his largest obstruction, because all of his policies were based around cleaning up the muss he inherited from Jackson. Other Info: Van Buren ‘s presidential term took topographic point during a dry enchantment in American political relations. This was a clip of tiring presidents that made no truly groundbreaking determinations.William Henry Harrison ( 1841 )Most important domestic achievement: Harrison ‘s most important domestic achievement was siting through cold Washington DC without a chapeau or coat, and giving the longest inaugural reference in history. As a consequence of this, Harrison had the shortest presidential term in history. Most important domestic achievement: Harrison did n't hold a foreign policy because his presidential term lasted a humongous 31 yearss, 12 hours, and 30 proceedingss. Economic Policy: Harrison did n't hold an economic policy because his presidential term lasted a humongous 31 yearss, 12 hours, and 30 proceedingss. Major Events: Major events include being inaugurated on March 4, 1841, and deceasing on March 26, 1841. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction confronting Harrison was the fact that his presidential term lasted 22 yearss. If that ‘s non an obstruction, I do n't cognize what is. Other Info: Harrison had the longest startup reference in history, but the shortest presidential term.John Tyler ( 1841-1845 )Most important domestic achievement: Tyler ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the appropriation of Texas in 1845. Texas would travel on to go a province nine months subsequently. Another achievement was the declaration of the Dorr rebellion. The Dorr rebellion was an armed rebellion that took topographic point in Rhode Island due to Thomas Wilson Dorr ‘s discontent with the province ‘s electoral system. As a consequence of the rebellion, Rhode Island granted right to vote to all freewomans irrespective of race. Most important foreign achievement: Tyler ‘s most important foreign achievement was the confirmation of the Webster-Ashburton pact, which defined a clear boundary line between Maine and Canada. Other than that, Tyler was a pretty laid back president during a stale clip in American political relations, so he truly did n't carry through much. Economic Policy: John Tyler was a Whig, and such he believed in the American system around which the Whigs economic policy centered. As a Whig, Tyler believed in a high protective duty, a national bank, and a strong internal substructure. These beliefs are how the Whig party started-because of their resistance to Jackson ‘s remotion of the 2nd bank of the United States. Major Events: Major events include the Dorr rebellion, the Webster-Ashburton pact, the blackwash effort on his life, and the stoping of the 2nd Seminole war. Major Obstacles: Tyler ‘s biggest obstruction was that he took office on such short notice. After Harrison died, Tyler was following in line to go president. After he took office, he was expected to lodge closely to the Whig ‘s party beliefs. He did n't. the perfect illustration of this is his twice vetoing of the statute law for the national banking act. Other Info: Tyler was a adult male that went into office out of the blue. He originally thought he was traveling to be Vice president, and so Bam: he ‘s president. This was a clip of deadening American political relations.James K Polk ( 1845-1849 )Most important domestic achievement: Polk ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the successful geting of the Oregon district from Great Britain. Since 1818 the district was under joint business by both America and Britain, but after Polk came into office he put a batch of force per unit area on Britain to give up the district. The Oregon pact of 1846 divided the Oregon district along the 19th analogue. Most important foreign achievement: Polk ‘s most important foreign achievement was the pact of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The pact of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a pact that came approximately after the terminal of the Mexican American war. The dainty gave the United States 525,000 square stat mis of land for $ 15 million. Economic Policy: Polk, being a Democrat, focused on cut downing the consequence of the Whig ‘s economic policy. He reduced the duty of abominations and abandoned many other duties. In 1846, Polk approved a jurisprudence that restored the Independent Treasury System, under which authorities financess were held in the Treasury instead than in unstable province and local Bankss. This established independent exchequer sedimentation office to have all authorities financess. Major Events: Major events include the pact of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the remotion of the duty of abominations, the geting of the Oregon district, the appropriation of Mexico, the American Mexican war, and the effort to by Cuba. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstructions during Polk ‘s presidential term had to make with the geting of land. First the Oregon district so the American Mexican war, so the appropriation of Texas. Other Info: Polk was one of the first presidents to encompass the thought of manifest fate, and to take the Unites States on a way of enlargement.Zachary Taylor ( 1849-1850 )Most important domestic achievement: Taylor ‘s most important domestic achievement was the organisation of the section of the inside. The section of the inside is the section that trades with the direction and preservation of federal lands. Moat important foreign achievement: Taylor ‘s most of import foreign achievement was the confirmation of the Clayton Bulwer pact. The Clayton Bulwer pact made it clear that neither the United States, no Britain would entirely have or keep a canal in South America. The pact did give the United States a leg up diplomatically. Economic Policy: Zachary Taylor was a Whig, and such he believed in the American system around which the Whigs economic policy centered. As a Whig, Taylor believed in a high protective duty, a national bank, and a strong internal substructure. Major Events: Major events include the organizing of the section of the inside, the Clayton Bulwer pact, bondage in the West, and the via media of 1850. Major Obstacles: Taylor ‘s presidential term lasted merely one twelvemonth. That was a reasonably large obstruction. Other Info: Zachary Taylor was a deadening, center of the route president. Besides, he was president during a distressingly deadening clip in American political relations.Millard Fillmore ( 1850-1853 )Most of import domestic achievement: Fillmore ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the Compromise of 1850, which admitted California to the Union and settled the issue of bondage in freshly acquired districts. It repealed the Missouri Compromise and divided the state along the 37th analogue. When districts applied for statehood the people of the province would make up one's mind whether to be free or break one's back. In return, the North passed a Fugitive Slave Bill, which allowed for the apprehension of fleeting slaves in the Free provinces. Most of import foreign achievement: Fillmore ‘s most of import foreign achievement was his promise to maintain out of Cuba for the exclusive intent of it non going a slave province. This is important because there had been talk of purchasing Cuba. Economic Policy: Millard Fillmore was a Whig, and such he believed in the American system around which the Whigs economic policy centered. As a Whig, Fillmore believed in a high protective duty, a national bank, and a strong internal substructure. Major Events: Major events include the via media of 1850, the burying about Cuba, being a Whig, and holding the last name Fillmore. Major Obstacles: Fillmore, like the last three presidents I ‘ve written about was a deadening president with deadening policies during a deadening clip in American political relations. That ‘s an obstruction. Other Info: Millard Fillmore did n't hold a frailty president, likely because he took over right after Taylor.Franklin Pierce ( 1853-1857 )Most important domestic achievement: A Pierce ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the transition of the Kansas Nebraska act. The Kansas Nebraska act created the districts of Kansas and Nebraska, and besides repealed the Missouri via media of 1820. Besides, the act put the pick of bondage in the people ‘s custodies ( by voting ) . As a response to the act the Republican Party was created. Kansas was admitted to the brotherhood as a free province, and Nebraska was non admitted until after the civil war. This act was a major blow in the stableness of the state, and was a direct cause of the civil war. Most important foreign achievement: A In foreign policy, Pierce wanted to demo a strong Democratic assertiveness. Many particular involvement groups pushed to take Cuba from weak and distant Spain. He besides wanted to open trade with Japan, which at the clip was unheard of. Finally he wanted to derive the advantage over Britain in Central America. The job was, Pierce was a really uneffective president and accomplished really few of his ends. Economic Policy: The state was holding a period of economic growing and there was peace on the economic forepart, but when an issue did come up his disposal Pierce did small to quiet the feelings that it aroused, and sectional lines were redrawn. Major Events: Major events include the Kansas Nebraska act, the via media of 1850, the Free State vs. slave province argument. Major Obstacles: Pierce ‘s biggest obstruction by far was his inability to take. He was a sympathetic cat, and made many friends in authorities, but when it came to acquiring things done he merely could n't. He talked quietly, but forgot his large stick at place. Other Info: Pierce is called one of the worst presidents in US history. The worst.James Buchanan ( 1857-1861 )Most important domestic achievement: Buchanan ‘s most important domestic achievement was the Dred Scott determination. A In 1857 an of import determination was given by the Supreme Court. The Dred Scott instance was put through by the North with the best purposes. But, the tribunal ruled that Dred Scott and all inkinesss were non citizens of the United States and as such had no right to action in the Supreme Court. To add abuse to injury, the Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional because merely provinces had the right to prohibit bondage. The populace in the North was outraged by this determination and refused to obey it. This caused tensenesss to turn, and brought the state to the threshold of civil war. Most important foreign achievement: Buchanan did n't truly hold a foreign policy. This was because he had to concentrate on the domestic issues. This was particularly true when it came to the Dred Scott determination, which made the north really disquieted and brought the state to the threshold of civil war. Economic Policy: Buchanan ‘s economic policy focused around incorporating the terror of 1857. The terror of 1857A was a downswing in the United States ‘ economyA that occurred in 1857. A recession began in 1856, but the failure of Bankss and concerns started a true terror in 1857. While the economic downswing was short, the recovery was was n't. The permanent impact of the terror lasted until the beginning of the civil war. Major Events: Major events include the Dred Scott instance, the Lincoln Douglas debates, and the constitution of the pony express. Major Obstacles: Most of Buchanan ‘s obstructions were political. As the civil war drew nearer, and sectional lines grew deeper, Buchanan faced more and more resistance from the southern United States. Other Information: Because of his inability to defuse the civil war state of affairs, James Buchanan is rated as one of the worst presidents of all clip.Abraham Lincoln ( 1861-1865 )Most important domestic achievement: The civil war was Lincoln ‘s figure one focal point during his presidential term was the civil war. The civil war started before Lincoln ‘s presidential term, and all of the war was left for Lincoln. After the first major Union triumph at Antietam, Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation. It freed slaves in all districts that were non occupied by the Union ground forces. The emancipation announcement had two ends: foremost to maintain the British from assisting the South and to get down break one's back rebellions. The civil war ended 1865 when General Lee surrendered at the Appomattox courthouse. Most important foreign achievement: Lincoln ‘s most of import foreign achievement was maintaining ties with Europe during the war. During the Civil War, both the North and South of the United States wanted to maintain ties with the European states, peculiarly Britain and France. The British supported the South until the Emancipation Proclamation changed the focal point of the war, and they realized that back uping the South would be seen as support for bondage. This of class would be morally incorrect. Economic Policy: Lincoln ‘s economic policy was based around the civil war. Most of the money in the state went to the war. As you can conceive of, a war a big and dearly-won as the civil war does n't give much clip to shave any other economic policies. The economic policy helped give money to the North in order to crush the South in the civil war. Major Events: Major events include the civil war, the sequence of the South, the conflict of Antietam, the emancipation announcement, the winning of the war, and the blackwash of Lincoln. Major Obstacles: Lincoln ‘s biggest obstruction was the civil war. All of his policy was based around the war. His full disposal focused on the war. Other Information: Because of Lincoln ‘s suburb handling of the civil war, he is ranked as one of the state ‘s best presidents. Will he interrupt the form of stale tiring presidents? Stay tuned to happen out.Andrew Johnson ( 1865-1869 )Most important domestic achievement: Johnson ‘s most important domestic achievement focused around Reconstruction after the civil war. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson attempted to take control of the Reconstruction. But, with Lincoln dead, Congress forgot took that power from Johnson. Rather than utilizing of Lincoln ‘s 10 per centum program, a much harsher program was put in topographic point for readmitting provinces into the Union. States had to sign the thirteenth and 14th amendments to recover their seats in Congress. Merely Tennessee passed the 14th amendment. Because of Johnson ‘s inability to manage the South, he was impeached. Most important domestic achievement: Johnson ‘s best foreign policy determination by far was to buy Alaska from Russia for 15 million dollars. After it purchase, people mocked Johnson and his disposal for buying nil more than a large refrigerator. It was n't until after Johnson ‘s presidential term that the true value was realized. Gold and oil were found at that place doing the purchase of Alaska a good determination after all. Economic Policy: Johnson ‘s economic policy was based around the purchase of Alaska. The United States needed to set up 15 million dollars in order to buy Alaska, and at the clip that was a monumental undertaking. Because of the civil war, money was tight, and it took a batch to acquire Congress to hold upon giving the money for what at the clip was nil more than and icebox. Major Events: Major events include the 13-15th amendments, the purchase of Alaska, the Reconstruction of the South, and the impeachment of Johnson. Major Obstacles: Johnson ‘s largest obstructions came from inside the authorities. A perfect illustration of this is the Reconstruction attempt of the South. Since Congress was unhappy with Johnson ‘s work they took the Reconstruction powers from him. Other Info: Johnson was the first US president to be impeached, but non the last.Ulysses S Grant ( 1869-1877 )Most important domestic achievements: Grants most of import domestic achievements had to make with all of the dirts he was involved in. Grant ‘s cabinet consisted of his old friends who used their stations to do money and have power. Because of this, Grant ‘s disposal was filled with corruptness. Most important foreign achievement: Grant ‘s foreign policy had to make with keeping Britain responsible for its â€Å" neutrality † during the civil war. During the Geneva courts, the British were found guilty and the United States got 15 million dollars for their problems. Besides, the United States and Britain agreed on boundaries for angling and such. Economic Policy: Grant ‘s economic policy had to make with economic growing and enlargement. Although grants disposal had more leaks than a slug filled ship, there was still economic enlargement. The populace was really happy with Grant ‘s decrease of the national debt. Major Events: Major events include the completion of the transcontinental railway, the 15th amendment which gave all citizens right to vote, and the innovation of the telephone. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction confronting Grant and his disposal was the corruptness that was wild present at that place. Grant was cogent evidence that a great military leader does non needfully do a great president. Other Info: Grant was a president with possible, but he chose to allow his friends into his disposal, and to let corruptness to run in his presidential term.Rutherford B Hayes ( 1877-1881 )Most important domestic achievement: Hayes ‘ most of import domestic achievement was the civil service reform. Hayes gave anA executive orderA that prohibited office holders from acquiring party money. This led Hayes to take many employees in authorities in an attempt to â€Å" clean house † and put an terminal to party corruptness. This led to tenseness between Hayes and members of authorities. Most important foreign achievement: Hayes said in his Inaugural Address that he wanted the state to maintain â€Å" our traditional regulation of nonintervention in the personal businesss of foreign states. † He was really good at following this policy, and because of it he kept out of foreign affairsaˆÂ ¦.except for the edifice of the Panama Canal, which he attempted but did n't win due to political grounds. Economic Policy: Hayes was a fiscal conservative. As a fiscal conservative Hayes believed in little authorities, strong concern, and limitation free capitalist economy. Besides, he believed in low revenue enhancements. Major Events: Major events include the terminal of Reconstruction, the railway work stoppage of 1877, and the installing of electric street visible radiations, the via media of 1876, and the bland Alison act. Major Obstacles: Hayes ‘ biggest obstruction was the fact that he won the election by such a bantam border. Because of this, all throughout his presidential term Hayes was critiqued for the determinations he made. Other Info: Hayes ‘ most celebrated quotation mark is â€Å" He serves his party best who serves his state best. †James Garfield ( 1881 )Most important domestic achievement: Garfield did n't truly hold a domestic policy because merely a few months after his presidential term he was shot and killed. Most important foreign achievement: Garfield was unable to pattern a foreign policy as he was shot a few months after he was elected president. Economic Policy: Garfield did n't hold an economic policy. Most people are unable to do or pattern an economic policy when they are shot dead merely a few months after they are elected to the presidential term. Major Events: Major events include being elected into office in 1881, and being shot and killed in 1881. Major Obstacles: The biggest obstruction faced by James Garfield was that he was shot merely a few months after he came into office. That is a reasonably large obstruction if you ask me. Other Info: Garfield had the 2nd shortest presidential term, 2nd merely to William Henry Harrison.Chester A Arthur ( 1881-1885 )Most important domestic achievement: Arthur ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the passing of the Pendleton act. The Pendleton act placed federal employees on a virtue system and put an terminal to the long hated spoils system. The act was passed because of Garfield ‘s blackwash. The Act was passed into jurisprudence on January 16 1883. Most important foreign achievement: Arthur ‘s most important foreign achievements had to make with spread outing the US navy. Arthur realized that if the United States wanted to spread out, it would necessitate a strong naval forces. He was the first US president to alter the navy ships over from Fe to steel. Steel is lighter and stronger than Fe. Economic Policy: Arthur had a deadening economic policy, one that is non even deserving composing about. Major Events: Major events include the constitution of the steel naval forcess, and the passing of the Pendleton act. Major Obstacles: Arthur ‘s obstructions came from inside the authorities. When he passed civil service reform, he faced strong internal resistance because the spoils system helped specify authorities. Arthur believed in a strong, honorable authorities. Other Info: The universe ‘s first skyscraper was constructed in Chicago during Arthur ‘s presidential term.Grover Cleveland ( 1885-1889 )Most important domestic achievement: Cleveland ‘s most of import domestic achievement was his handling of labour brotherhoods. All throughout his presidential term, Cleveland had to cover with the ups and downs and temper swings of the labour brotherhoods. These fits ranged from little work stoppages to violent rebellions. Most of these labour brotherhoods had to cover with railwaies or other large companies that paid their people excessively small and overworked them. Most important foreign achievement: Cleveland ‘s most important foreign achievement was the Britain Venezuela boundary difference. Great Britain tried to conflict on Venezuela ‘s district for gold, and America threatened to ordain the Monroe philosophy. Britain tried to play tufa for a piece, but finally backed down. In the terminal a pact was written up, and neither side won or lost. The result was a Latin America that was happy with the United States and a universe that knew that the US was a force to be reckoned with. Economic Policy: The duty of 1883 lowered antecedently high duties. The duty raised up as a major issue between the Democrats and the republicans. Major Events: Major events include the Haymarket public violence, the interstate commercialism act, the terror of 1893, and the Pullman work stoppage. Major Obstacles: Cleveland ‘s biggest obstructions came from the labour brotherhoods. These brotherhoods ranged from mild strikers to downright violent rebellions that resulted in serious hurt or decease to all who participated. Other Info: Henry Ford made his first auto during Grover Cleveland ‘s presidential term.Benjamin Harrison ( 1889-1893 )Most important domestic achievement: Harrison ‘s most important domestic achievement was the passing of the Sherman anti-trust act. The Act passed without resistance since both parties made promises about ordaining trust ordinances. However, the act was really weak, and was written really mistily. Because of this, even though the trusts were attacked none were of all time to the full removed. Most important foreign achievement: Harrison ‘s disposal was really aggressive in foreign policy and enlargement. An illustration of this is the Samoan struggle where the United States imperialized its first district that far from its shores. Economic Policy: Harrison had an economic policy of high duties, trust busting, and silver reform. The thing Harrison is most celebrated for though is the busting of trusts, or trust busting. This was accomplished through the Sherman anti-trust act. The Sherman anti-trust act was weakly enforced though, so trusts ne'er to the full disappeared. Major Events: Major events include the Sherman anti-trust act, the Sherman Ag purchase act, and the McKinley duty. Major Obstacles: Harrison did n't truly confront any obstructions that could be described as major. Or minor. He did n't confront any obstructions at all truly. Other Info: A Nellie Bly set a record by going around the universe in 72 yearss.Grover Cleveland ( 1893-1897 )Most important domestic achievement: Cleveland ‘s most of import domestic achievement was his handling of labour brotherhoods. All throughout his presidential term, Cleveland had to cover with the ups and downs and temper swings of the labour brotherhoods. These fits ranged from little work stoppages to violent rebellions. Most of these labour brotherhoods had to cover with railwaies or other large companies that paid their people excessively small and overworked them. Most important foreign achievement: Cleveland ‘s most important foreign achievement was the Britain Venezuela boundary difference. Great Britain tried to conflict on Venezuela ‘s district for gold, and America threatened to ordain the Monroe philosophy. Britain tried to play tufa for a piece, but finally backed down. In the terminal a pact was written up, and neither side won or lost. The result was a Latin America that was happy with the United States and a universe that knew that the US was a force to be reckoned with. Economic Policy: The duty of 1883 lowered antecedently high duties. The duty came up as a major issue between the Democrats and the republicans. Major Events: Major events include the Haymarket public violence, the interstate commercialism act, the terror of 1893, and the Pullman work stoppage. Major Obstacles: Cleveland ‘s biggest obstructions came from the labour brotherhoods. These brotherhoods ranged from mild strikers to downright violent rebellions that resulted in serious hurt or decease to all who participated. Other Info: Cleveland is the lone president in history to hold two nonconsecutive footings.William McKinley ( 1897-1901 )Most important domestic achievement: McKinley ‘s most of import domestic achievement was the appropriation of Hawaii. The trade was that the United States would annex Hawaii and presume their $ 4 million on debt. Because of the appropriation of Hawaii, it would subsequently travel on to go a US State. Besides, without Hawaii, where would I travel on holiday? Most important foreign achievement: McKinley ‘s most important foreign achievement was the Spanish American war. The war was caused because Cuba wanted to contend off Spain ‘s subjugation. The existent ground for the war was xanthous news media, which made the state of affairs in Cuba seem worse than what it really was, and that is what caused the United States to travel to war. The thing that truly set off the war was the detonation of the USS Maine in Havana seaport. The xanthous journalists made it seem like the Cubans did this, when in fact it was an unknown detonation. Economic Policy: McKinley ‘s economic policy put the gilded criterion as the lone criterion. It was because of this that the whole Ag thought was forgotten. Besides, the Dingley act put in a duty of 16 % , the highest of all clip, and in some instances up to 57 % . Major Events: Major events include the Spanish American war, the pact of Paris, and the insular instances.Major Obstacles:Other Info: During McKinley ‘s presidential term Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines became American ownerships.DecisionDuring this clip period there were great presidents and awful presidents. The trade name new American democracy had to get by with immense challenges, and it was because of these leaders that we have progressed to where we are today.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Novel Analysis

Worksheet: Novel analysis Title: The Perks of Being a Wallflower Author: Stephen Chbosky Genre: Epistolary novel Nationality: American The publication year: 1999 Information about the author: Stephen Chbosky was born January 25th in 1970. He is an American writer and film director, and is best known for The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Stephen was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is of Polish, Slovak, Irish and Scottish descent. Chbosky graduated in 1988 from Upper St. Clair High School. The story: The narrator of the novel is a teenage boy by the alias Charlie.He tells his story through a series of letters he writes to an anonymous â€Å"friend† he heard about at school and thought would be a nice person to write to, based on the fact that he or she reportedly hadn’t slept with someone at a party despite having the opportunity to do so. Charlie explains his fears, problems joys and secrets to this stranger. The story starts by Charlie telling about his anxieties ab out starting High School the next day. He tells about how his life has been after one of his friends committed suicide, and after his favourite aunt, Helen, died. Charlie is a socially awkward boy.He doesn’t really know how to interact with people his age. He is what we call a â€Å"Wallflower†; someone who’s always on the side, observing others, never being in the centre of things. While struggling with insecurities, friendships and his family, a couple of High school seniors, Patrick and Sam, befriend him, and brings him into their little group. His new friends expose him to a new world of sex, drugs, love, patries, death, relationships, friendship, lying, and culpability. Throughout the novel, Charlie is changed from an innocent wallflower whose life was digging his ose in books, to an adventurous person who learns that life should be lived not watched. A sub story to what happens in this book is also that Charlie’s teacher from advanced English class keeps assigning him books to read and then write reports on. He only does this with Charlie. (Being a â€Å"wallflower†: an ability to observe from the sideline and understand things. ) I think the theme of this book is that active participation is better than passive, and that you should live your life and participate and pursue your dreams rather than stand on the sidelines and watch the action. This story also covers topics like adolescence, drug use etc.Some quotes to support my opinion of the theme: â€Å"Do you always think this much Charlie? † â€Å"Is that bad? † â€Å"Not necessarily, It’s just that sometimes people use thought to not participate in life. † â€Å"Is that bad? † â€Å"Yes. † â€Å"Maybe these are my glory days, and I’m not even realizing it because they don’t involve a ball. † I liked this novel a lot because it portrays the confusion of being a teenager, the stigma of being â€Å"weirdâ €  and â€Å"different† than others, how the things that happen to us during childhood have a way of never leaving us and because it tells us that life is to be spent living, not dreaming of it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


What are you up to? – Twitter, of course Twitter is a great social medium. There are more people than you could imagine, tweeting at this very moment. It is a phenomenon which by the looks of I will remain popular for decades. In the following article, I will emphasize some of the advantages and disadvantages of using it for business, political and social purposes. The â€Å"hunch† Back to where it all started, a CEO of a company called ODE, hired an engineer named Jack. His name was Even Williams, and he presented the idea of people being able to send simple status updates to friends or however might find you interesting.He had found his main project, and in 2006 twitter was live. Even felt that the potential of Twitter was there, so he decided to pursue his hunch. The concept of Twitter is very simple. You fill out a status update containing 140 characters or less about what you are up to. In less than a second after, the update is readable for everyone who is followi ng you. The core of Twitter is to allow people to share moments of these lives, no matter the time and place. The purpose is similar to Passbooks, to let people feel connected and closer to each other. The usersUsers all around the globe helped building Twitter towards what it is today. As an example, the users started making references using â€Å"tags†. So if, hypothetically, I made an update about me hanging out with my teacher Jonas Rasmussen at the school, it would look like this â€Å"Oliver is chilling with his teacher @Assessments at @Whistler?d†. The tags were invented by the users, twitter Just made it a part of the site and easier to use. This shows that feedback from the community is something that twitter considers, and lets users help shape the medium. Using Twitter for business purposesThere sis a lot of companies that uses twitter to keep track of what people tend to think or say about them. Whenever a user tags the company or place, a scanning tool all ows them to instantly identify the status. For some users, this is very concerning. They are afraid that they cannot tweet freely, without companies spying on them. Often companies actually uses this tool to help people help themselves. To pull out an example, the game companies such as Valve, Riot Games and Blizzard frequently use Twitter to obtain valuable feedback from customers to improve their services or reduces.All this seems incredibly smart, but there are some disadvantages regarding the use of Twitter. Some people are actually addicted to Twitter, as some people are to Backbone. It leaves you easily distracted in your everyday life, and it interrupts you doing important things. People tend to Just disable your tweets if you distract them, and that causes your overall Twitter audience to decrease. Some will actually consider people as â€Å"spammed†, if you don't find the balance of being friendly, posting your online marketing. A common disadvantage for the users co uld which leaves you with a very limited audience to share you tweets with.Using twitter for social purposes Along with Backbone, Twitter is one of the most powerful social websites to date and serves a lot of purposes. The social aspect is obviously the key to make people entertained by Twitter. You visit the site to feel connected in a fun way. It is awesome to keep track of what you're friends are doing all the time. A bad thing about this is that now you know everything, and it ruins the content of the conversation you will have, when you actually meet. This online relationship could actually replace the real fife relationship to some extent.The growth of the media could potentially affect the kids, who obviously needs the social competence to develop in a proper way. Sliver lilt s?get†¦ Using Twitter for political purposes The substantial growth of Twitter is really reflected, when 47 Congress members sis live as well. Barack Obama, the most powerful man on earth, is very active on a lot of media. They use Twitter to get intimated with their fans and followers to stress their humanity to some extent. By sharing their everyday battles and struggles, it helps people relate to the given person.As a downside of politicians on Twitter, it would be crucial for them to tweet something that could damage their reputation or political career. Sharing family info, economy, beliefs or interest must be done with caution. Backbone & Twitter The biggest difference between Backbone and Twitter is that Twitter does not allow people to like or comment – only being able to read and enjoy. On Backbone, it is required for people to accept you as friend, to let them receive your updates. On twitter, you simply Just have to follow the given person without permission.Twitter is considered as being a freer site to some extent, compared to Backbone. Backbone has been left with a huge amount of struggles towards privacy issues and sharing personal information. On the ot her hand, Backbone is way more personal and allows you to get much more intimate to another person. O/PR Both websites cover the same needs; to connect people, no matter where in the world they are. As a sum up, the power of the social media should be emphasized. They can be used for a lot of purposes, some are right and some are wrong. And Freest?r effectuates†¦ (936 words)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Do corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports provide shareholders Essay - 2

Do corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports provide shareholders and stakeholders with useful information on corporate soci - Essay Example Similarly, disclosure of the information related to these CSR activities have become an important part of the CSR activities of the organizations. Importance of CSR Reports This trend has made its mark due to the lack of reliance on the information which is voluntarily given out by the companies as compared to the real contribution to the society. From the perspectives of academics, there is an accepted theory which widely discusses the reasons which motivates the companies to disclose their CSR information. Majority of the information provided in the CSR reports were previously considered to be the decisions or activities belonging to the private domain of these organizations. The theoretical explanation states that the organizations provide CSR performance related information to general public for satisfying their primary needs and portraying themselves as very responsible members of the society. This legitimacy enables the organizations in pursuing the primary purpose of attaining sustainable profitability which is the most important goal of all the business activities. Although the corporate sector provides huge economic benefits to the society, yet there is an increasing concern regarding the abuse or wastage in terms of utilization of the resources of the society. The society provides higher benefits to the corporate sector. It is due to this reason that it possesses the right to seek information related to the return that these organizations are providing to the society. In brief, the increasing public awareness of the public resources decides the legitimacy of the companies, thereby increasing the requirement of disclosure of CSR information in the community. CSR Reports: Providing Useful Information to the Stakeholders The term ‘corporate social responsibility’ revolves around a number of issues concerning the organizations and their interactions with the society. These issues cover governance, ethics and various other social activities li ke, community development, philanthropy, product safety, human rights, equal opportunities to all employees and other environmental activities. Consideration of the CSR activities, from the aspect of accounting, has necessary linkages with the social reporting (Brennan and Merkl-Davies, 2013). The disclosure related to social and environmental responsibilities of the organizations increase the importance of CSR reports. The social and environmental accounting forms an important part of the CSR reports (Mahoney, et al., 2013; Merkl-Davies and Brennan, 2011). The communication of the environmental and social effects of the organizational activities to the stakeholders increases their reliability towards the transparency of their operational activities (Hooghiemstra, 2000). This extends the requirement as well as performance of accountability of all the organizations. Maintenance and presentation of CSR reports have become one of the global initiatives of the governments where they hav e recognized it to be the standard for sustainability reporting. It has provided a framework which disclosed much substantial and contextual information, rather than just presenting their financial performances. This framework has also ensured the fact that the organizations provide meaningful and appropriate information to the stakeholde

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Argumentive Reserch Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Argumentive Reserch - Research Paper Example Learners can acquire these skills when they develop appropriate attitudes and knowledge. This makes the main objective of conducting teaching and training programs to correspond to enhancement of knowledge, skills and attitude of learners. The main purpose of this essay is to argue the relevance of the message conveyed by some specific authors on the approach needed for conducting training and teaching programs (Chou, Chang, & Hauer, 2008). I believe that motivation towards learning and training is dependent on knowledge, skills, ideologies and a suitable environment. However, it is also clear that the number of students and the use of a multi-disciplinary approach are useful though the learning approach should not be specific. Counter argument I believe that the twenty steps are instrumental when handling students with learning difficulties. However, opposing ideologies indicate that these steps overwork the teachers, and compromise their ability to attend to other students. Further more, it is highlighted that people should recognise the social and cognitive skills of students while handling their learning needs (Hon and Watkins, 1995). However, the learning needs of a person transcends skills, and is dependent on the environment in several instances. I believe that the procedural steps that involve students in a workshop learning session enhances their interaction and comprehension (Chou, Chang, and Hauer, 2004). However, opposing arguments state that such an approach cannot accommodate a class with numerous students. It is only limited to a few number of students. Rao underscores the need to expose students to an environment where they easily interact with the elderly patients to improve their attitudes. However, attitude cannot be improved by exposure alone. It requires an interdisciplinary learning approach. Argument I believe that it is necessary assist the children with learning difficulties using fundamental steps. This can be successful with the provis ion of appropriate modifications in the learning process. Several steps are necessary in the quest to achieve such objectives. The authors use Greg’s experiences to develop some steps necessary for successful learning amongst children having trouble (Biddulph, Hess, & Humes, 2006). I find this rather disturbing because assuming that all children with learning difficulties are of the same level as Greg is wrong. Greg could have succeeded because the level of his difficulty was mild. Disorder depression does not adversely inhibit the process of learning. Greg listed a number of 20 steps that he considers appropriating in making a child with learning difficulties become successful (Biddulph, Hess, & Humes, 2006). I believe that Hon and Watkins’s attempt to evaluate social skills training program for Hong Kong students highlights the importance of valuing skills, and knowledge. They classify alcoholism, juvenile delinquency and depression as fundamental examples of behavio ral and neurotic problems that are responsible for psychiatric disorders. According to the authors, these are the causes of inadequate social skills. Hon and Watkins focus on directing additional efforts get to the training skills development programs for adolescents. However, these efforts mainly focus on the western countries. In response to this, they come up with well-knitted approaches to address

Monday, August 26, 2019

Weber or Foucault Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Weber or Foucault - Essay Example Through this people in North Korea lack proper knowledge of what is happening. They also do not enjoy the freedom of speech something that has been widely criticized. North Korea has been on the spotlight in the recent for cases of human rights violations. It is impossible to establish the full extent of the violations but the country has been on the spot over different kind of violation affecting human rights according to Paul Walker. It has also been realized that the extent of human rights violation is accelerated by lack of awareness. North Korea’s constitution has been accused on infringing on human rights (Walker). Currently the freedom of speech has been limited to radio stations, televisions and music providers who are legally owned by government or government operated. Moreover, humans have been subjected to forced labor as prisoners in concert ration camps in North Korea. As a foreigner it has been difficult to access this country with more strict rules which monitor every visitor in that country. The situation is worse for aid workers who are under constant surveillance and scrutiny as well as exclusion from certain government

Marketing - fainal essay- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing - fainal - - Essay Example The competition in the retail industry is tough. Especially in the grocery sector where Tesco is competing because margins continue to shrink with more and more players entering the industry that intensified the already competitive environment. In order to survive and thrive, retailers have to add value to their customers otherwise perish in the competition. To add value, discounting for product does is not that potent work anymore. This marketing implement has its limits also because if frequently used, retailers will enter in a destructive cycle of cutting each other’s throat with the diminishing margins wrought by excessive discounting. In addition, excessive discounting might negatively affect the image of the retailer as â€Å"cheap† and thus, undermining its position to sell at a premium. In the case of Tesco, they employed several unique approaches in adding value to their customers. First is differentiation, or creating new selling proposition that would be differentiate the retailer from its competitors and be successful in the market. Second is the strengthening of the infrastructure of its customer service delivery to enable the retailer to better satisfy its customer as a value adding proposition. With differentiation, Tesco concentrated on the â€Å"white space market† when it entered the United States retailing industry. Many experts predicted that Tesco cannot replicate its success in the US retail market because the industry is already saturated. But instead of competing head on with the established retailers such as Walmart, Tesco differentiated itself by offering the added values of good food, good value, convenience and environmental sensitivity to the American consumer (Lowe and Wright, 2010). Also, Tesco invested in intangible value adding facilities that would enable it to better serve its customers with enhanced customer service as a value proposition. It invested heavily

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Asian Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Asian Americans - Essay Example This objective, however, proves a challenging initiative, burdened by the negative heritage of history and by existing cultural gaps. According to Jandt (2004) the Asian-Americans represent a diverse group of cultures and people from many countries - Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Pacific Island nations. Initially the US legislation excluded Chinese and other Asians from US citizenship (Jandt, 2004) and this governmental policy impaired the assimilation process of Asian subgroups at the very beginning. Asian-American's resistance to assimilation is a natural process. For one thing, it is visible in first generation immigrants who sometimes lack documentation (Wikipedia, 2006) and whose dreams about the bright future are not met by reality (Jandt, 2004). This disappointment leads to greater uncertainty, and avoidance of socialization. Additionally, language barriers impair the social status of the Asian-American group in USA. For example exactly because of language deficiencies Korean-Americans use English language that can be viewed as rude and exploiting by customers and employees (Jandt, 2004). This has lead to misinterpretation of Korean's behavior, hence to the isolation of the group by the American society and other subgroups. Further on, other behavioral patterns that are interpreted by other cultures differently hinder effective communication. For example, Korean-Americans are reluctant to develop friendships with strangers, regard inappropriate smiles as superficial (Jandt, 2004). Especially in the services sector, where communication with customers is critical, keeping such distance makes the Korean culture look confusing and inappropriate. Tradition that is visible in medicinal practices, rituals, clothing and other cultural tokens is another source for misinterpretation of culture (Jandt, 2004). While rituals and habits are regarded as healthy by one culture, the US culture may condemn them as inappropriate, unhealthy and even dangerous. There is the example of a Vietnamese father who treated his sick child, as per Vietnamese tradition, with coins rubbed in hot oil. The father was imprisoned and subsequently committed a suicide (Jandt, 2004). Such tragic incidents do not only prove the necessity for mutual understanding of group specifics, but lead to the presumption that at minimum partial assimilation is a natural process, whereby the smaller cultural group adopts the norms of the larger group. This is so because practices that are regarded as extreme and health damaging by the US culture are unlikely to be tolerated by people and legislative authorities and pressure is exercised to change those tokens that contradi ct common US norms. Today attitudes towards Asian Americans vary greatly. There is a common conception that Asian Americans have not faced racial discrimination as African Americans and Latinos (Wikipedia, 2006), but this idea is based on the fact that these immigrants do not report such incidents. As a result, even reported incidents do not receive adequate

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Organization Theory, Design and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Organization Theory, Design and Change - Essay Example Societal ethics are the principles that have been laid for every member of the society to live by. It is through societal ethics, that a legal system is formed in order to guide people’s actions and how they interact with each other in the society. Professional ethics are the tenets that individuals of a particular profession must use to manage the manner at which they execute their tasks or utilize the resources within their reach. Individual ethics is the moral and personal values that have been set by a particular individual in order to guide their actions and interactions with other people. In an organization; different individuals with different professions are taken from the society in order to achieve a common goal. This is when the combination of societal, professional and individual ethics forms the basis of organizational ethics (Jones 47). Organizational ethics has it that each individual must live by his or her individual ethics, while observing the ethics of their profession and the ethics of the society at the same time. The conformance of each individual within the organization to the ethical behavior means that the collective interest of the society is safeguarded (Jones 51).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Machines in Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Machines in Modern World - Essay Example Planting the seed is done manually and as the time for reaping comes you spend hours in the fields reaping the corn or wheat with a scythe. It is slow, frustrating and backbreaking work. Of course, the scenario given above did exist some time in the distant past. Maybe one has even read about it or seen such a life in some movie. But after experiencing all the conveniences of the machine filled it is difficult to imagine going back to a world without machines. This article is about machines and how they have enriched our lives both at the workplace and at home. It was also look at some of the disadvantages also. It will also take into account all the advantages and some disadvantages of using machines and in the end will show that after taking into account all the pros and the cons, the world is a better place to live in because of the abundance of machines that we see and use everyday. Man the machine: In effect the human body or the body of any creature that can move can be called a machine. The body is used to carry loads and perform tasks with hands and feet just like machines. Even animals use their body as machines. In fact, no machine quite as complex as the human body has ever been built. The human body has the circulatory system, the nervous system, the reproductive system, the skeletal system, the muscular system and the excretory system and no machine has even come close in complexity. If the body is such an efficient machine it could be asked as to why machines have been built. The answer would be that the body has its limitations. It cannot work continuously as machines can, it cannot carry the heavy loads that machines carry and it cannot repeatedly carry out error free operations as a machine can. But what it can do is, think creatively, and constantly look for ways to make life more convenient. This is the main difference between the human being whe n compared to other creatures.. With their limited thinking capacity, very few animals creatively use tools for more efficiency. The ant still carries its food on its back instead of using a trolley and tigers and lions still hunt using their feet and claws to kill instead of using a gun. But human beings have over the long period of its existence thought of and invented a wide array of machines that can perform tasks far more efficiently and quickly and will continue to do so. So machines are essentially a thing that is intended to make life more efficient and in some cases dangerous for us. To make the matter more clear a detailed look at the limitations of the human body and the advantages machines have over it would be appropriate. Limitations of the human body as a machine: a. Fatigue: No living organism can live or do work without getting energy. Energy is obtained from nutrients that are found in the food that is eaten by a person. A body needs adequate nutrients like fat, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and water to perform tasks and to survive. A depletion of these nutrients will result in fatigue which in turn will affect his performance. A person can work without food relying on his internal reserves of energy for a few days. Some who are healthier can extend this period for a few more days. But ultimately there is a limit to what the body can take and there will come a time when it will refuse to function the way we want. Of course, energy is needed for machines to work too. But that will be discussed later in the article. b. Thirst: Thirst is taken up for special mention because the human body can

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Telecommunications sector Essay Example for Free

Telecommunications sector Essay Belize Telemedia Limited is the new name of Belize Telecommunications Limited in Belize which was instituted in 1972 as the telecommunication authority. The Belizean telecom market was formally and authoritatively reformed and became less strict in January 2003; however Belize Telecommunications still has the control in the telecommunication market (Mansell 56, 2007). With limited rivalry and unproductive regulatory control, it has fixed very expensive charges for its services. VoIP is the case study which reveals a controversy in the Belize telecommunication industry. Although the government and the regulatory body collaboratively confirmed to promote competition in the telecom sector, in reality BTL was successful in conspiring against VoIP to remove competition. However, BTL has to face competition in the mobile sector where SpeedNet has successfully covered 18 percent of the market. At present, BTL prides on 335000 fixed landlines, 130000 cellular consumers and 8000 internet customers. BTL has more than 475 expert and capable workers with 15 branch offices spread countrywide (Mansell 56, 2007). The aims and objectives of BTL is to develop, engineer and install high tech network and technologies and to offer best communication services and facilities. The company is dedicated to increase its existing wire line, mobile and internet services by getting on-stream a broad range of matchless, unsurpassed services and facilities to the consumers. Additionally, its dynamic, quick and efficient network provides its consumers consistent, efficient, trusty and finest service accessed in the vicinity, all over the country, regionally and globally. BTL headquarters are in Belize City. It has 15 customer service centers installed countrywide. Telemedia is concentrated on increasing further than the national boundaries so that there is increase in investor value, development and promotion of new opportunities for workers and assistance in the economic development, progress and increase of the nation of Belize. Telemedia offers HomeFone Service which is a fixed telephone line service. It provides three latest and reasonably priced plans to residential customers. These plans offer distinctive alternatives which includes limitless night and weekend minutes, unlimited, unrestrained monthly usage, etc. Each package offer services such as caller id, voicemail, 24 hours contact to Operator, telephone directory, etc. Telemedia’s wireless service offers its consumers the basic telephone service (Calabrese 225, 2007). The consumer can avail other suitable features that will improve communication requirement for residential or commercial purpose. It offers the users to receive calls locally, countrywide and globally. Econo-Phone is another service which gives full access to Telemedia Prepaid telephone service at affordable rates. The user can keep an eye on the amount of time he or she spends on the phone and can make calls all over the world. Econo-Phone works as a prepaid cellular phone. The user can also enjoy facilities such as voice mail notifications, caller id, internet services, etc. DigiCell is cellular service that uses GSM. It is operational at GSM 1900 and offers advanced, improved superiority, improved voice clearness and wide-ranging safety measures (Calabrese 225, 2007). It is considered to be Belize’s most highly developed and ground-breaking mobile service. It offers increased collection of voice and multimedia services. DigiCell encrypts all voice and data, thus making it more secure. DigiCell also offers innovative solutions for business and residential consumers by means of DigiCell Prepaid services. It offers short message service, data and international roaming service, call hold, call waiting, caller id, voicemail, etc. Telemedia’s Once Card can be used to avail all the Prepaid Services that are offered. When the consumer buys a Prepaid card, e-PIN or Fone TopUp, he or she is no longer requires to select between regular or DigiCell prepaid card. Further, this card can be used as a recharge or calling card. Fone TopUp is electronic recharge arrangement that permits representatives and distributors to supply electronic pins or immediately top up a prepaid number with any value. Belize Telemedia Limited has successfully increased its wireless coverage nationwide, covering most of the rural communities in Belize by deploying Nortel wireless technology (Cronin 29, 2007). This technology has completely replaced the old Belize Telemedia existing GSM structure given by Nortel competitor; as well deploy a new CDMA 450 MHz network to hold up Telemedia’s emergent subscriber demand in Belize and the requirement for more superior, high-tech products and facilities countrywide. .Telemedia’s existing wireless setup has been improved and enhanced to Nortel GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/1900 MHz wireless network which offers superior network coverage and connectivity for the consumers. In addition, the operator has launched a completely new network laid on Nortel CDMA xRTT and 1xEV-DO technologies in the 450 MHz range, to expand services and assist to seal the means of communication space in rural society (Cronin 29, 2007). According to Dean Boyce who is the chairperson of the executive committee at Belize Telemedia, the Nortel technologies has successfully enhanced the reputation of Belize Telemedia and also given wide-ranging services which has strengthen Telemedia’s network. The execution of CDMA/EVDO platform and the utilization of 450 MHz frequency have successfully provided voice and high speed internet services to consumers present in rural areas which has accelerated Belize economy. Belize Telemedia’s network substitute and improvement also includes Nortel all-IP products such as Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture, Mobile Switching Center and Home Location Register, allowing operators to back up numerous services and applications on the unchanged, consistent platform. The Belize government welcomed the 2004 sale of the nationwide telephone corporate to a U.S-Caribbean organization as a moment of guarantee and affiliation. The main highlight was the $90 million deal (Fox 103, 2007). However, the agreement was tattered and became a story of officially permitted and oral clash. The clash started when Musa management took full authority of Belize Telecommunication Ltd from Prosser and his company after the failure to pay $57 million to the government for the phone company. Prosser filed a case in which he demanded the court to give out a command that would invalidate the boardroom occupation and put him back in charge. Prosser’s attorney was Lanny Davis who criticized the Belize government by calling it lawless after the assembly approved a law allowing the occupation of specified telephone company shares after Prosser’s non-payment. In the initial stages of the case, U. S District Judge Ursula Ungaro-Benages instructed Belize to invalidate its conflict against ICC, and then hit the government with a disrespect, scorn allegation for refusal to comply, signifying that Belize authorities gave the impression to want to be hit over the head by a 2-by-4. UngaroBenages passed the verdict which favored the Belize government. The liberalization of the telecommunication market at various phases, from Guatemala to Costa Rica remains government owned. Costa Rica’s fixed-line tele-density is the highest in South America while that in Guatemala is 40 percent less than the complete South American average, which shows that fixed line privatization and competition are no assurance of the development there. The study reveals that low fixed line tele-density causes leapfrogged unswervingly into mobile communications. Mobile competition is intense and diffusion is far away that would be anticipated bearing in mind their other macroeconomic pointers (Fox 103, 2007). Belize is the only exemption since it has national owned mobile company. Broadband services also vary greatly among these seven countries. Efforts are being made to liberalize Belize’s telecommunication market. Belize stands out from its neighboring countries as a financial leader, having already commenced the internet trend that would hit its neighbors in the entire South American Region. The interests of foreign companies to chase the liberalization of the Belize telecommunication market set up in the country and use that country as a launch pad to launch its rising information technology business throughout the area. The initiation of foreign competitors in the Belize telecommunication market needs a legitimate alteration and adjustment to suspend the current government utility company’s domination in the market.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Classical Theory Essay Example for Free

Classical Theory Essay The Difference Between a Classical Management Theory a Human Relations Theory by Stacy Zeiger, Demand Media Human relations theory seeks to develop satisfied employees. Classical management theory and human relations theory represent two views of management on the opposite ends of the spectrum. One view focuses on looking at workers solely as a means to get work done, while the other focuses on developing an organization and the behaviors and motivations of employees. Most managers find that a combination of the two theories serves them best in their businesses. Ads by Google Ssangyong Korando Special New Offer On SsangYong Korando From Only R2499p/m. Enquire Online Now! What is Classical Management Theory? Classical management theory involves creating multiple levels of workers to improve productivity. Employees at the lowest levels find their tasks overseen by supervisors who, in turn, are overseen by managers. At every level, employees are expected to perform tasks according to specific procedures designed to maximize productivity. In addition, this theory focuses on an impersonal side of business. Employees and managers should not allow friendliness and personal interactions to become involved with the organization. Rules must be followed exactly, and the hiring and firing of employees must relate only to the skills they possess. Pros and Cons of Classical Management Theory Classical management theory is not used in many organizations because of its shortcomings. While some components of the theory, such as designing procedures for completing a task and keeping personal issues out of business, help an organization focus on the job at hand, the theory fails to recognize the differences among employees. When employee feelings and opinions are not taken into account, the business may not grow or may experience high levels of employee turnover as employees fail to develop a relationship with the business and leave in search of a more satisfying job. What is Human Relations Theory? Human relations theory, also known as behavioral management theory, focuses more on the individuals in a workplace than the rules, procedures and processes. Instead of directives coming directly from management, a human relations theory provides communication between employees and managers, allowing them to interact with one another to help make decisions. Instead of giving workers quotas and requiring certain procedures, workers are exposed to motivational and emotional tactics to get them to increase productivity. The focus of this style is creating fulfilled, productive workers and helping workers invest in a company. Pros and Cons of Human Relations Theory While many companies operate based on the human relations theory, this type of management has dangers. Companies risk workers becoming too social or easily swayed by personal emotions and opinions when making decisions, rather than relying on hard data. It may be more difficult to reprimand employees for poor performance or dismiss them once they have become invested in the company. Despite these risks, human relations theory has the potential to increase employee retention rates and productivity. As employees feel more valued by a company, they invest in that company and its greater good.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Competitive Strategies Employed By Uk Supermarkets Marketing Essay

Competitive Strategies Employed By Uk Supermarkets Marketing Essay This is the research proposal aiming at the proposed research of the competitive strategies of the 2 giants supermarkets in London namely Tesco Sainsburys. Different supermarkets are operated in London but these of the two are the most popular aggressive in the market regarding to their strategies adoption in the area of the Market Research Analysis. Tesco is one of the prominent retailers in the world. They have 2300 supermarkets convenience stores with 326000 people are serving. It is the largest private sector employer, largest food retailer having 1900 stores in UK. Sainsburys is also a large scale supermarket in UK having 30000 products, serving more than 18.5 million customers per week in 3000 branches. Brand identity of the products is giving healthy, safe, fresh tasty food. Quality fair prices are recognized in the business. Research aim objective The academic research is proposed to focus on the strategies of the supermarkets in London. Focal point is aiming towards the leading supermarkets of Tesco Sainsburys. On going through the competitive study of the strategies adopted by the supermarkets in their business following of the research questions I have planned- Find out the area of activity of the supermarkets their plans in future. Identify the competitive strategies adopted by both of the supermarkets for doing their business developments in London. Impact of the critical strategic analysis tools can be made in the business. What could be the suitable, feasible acceptable suggestion the direction through which the supermarkets can improve their performances with avoiding the present weaknesses in the day to day operations in the business? These are all of the focal research questions on the basis of which projected research will be formed. Research Questions will be directed towards formulation of the aims objectives of the proposed academic research. Literature Review The Strategic development of supermarkets is the way of direction of the business development adopted by super stores in the prospective business planning in order to get optimum customer satisfaction, profit maximization, service orientation, fair trade, custom, policy measurement, strategy marketing, with the growth development, Long term planning of the business for the purpose of the mobilization of the resources using them intimately to increase the probabilities aspirations in the business aiming to seek in the Going Concern [Garewala,2008] Tesco was the first UK business to make  £2 billion profits in early 2008, the review of Tesco over the last 80 years, information report in a standardized format the assess the future strategic development opportunities joint. First store was opened in Edgware in the North London in 1929 with the combined efforts of Sir Jack Cohen, founder of Tesco with a partner in a firm of tea suppliers, T.E. Stockwell. Form that time the company wa s grown has reflected the changes in the retailing [Edward,2009] Before the second world war the most grocery stores served the customers but self service stores were on their way, later on they had developed became the superstores as we known today, the company floated on the stock exchange in 1947 with an initial share price of 25p, Tesco became a popular name in the high streets of UK as it can take the advantage of the commercial economies of the scale through the buck purchase of the supplies, the existence of the resale price maintenance limits the ability of Tesco as competitive in the existing trading conditions, The system allowed their suppliers to sale their products for a set price, other strategy used by Tesco in the business planning development is to achieve the customer loyalty, stamps were being used in the exchange of the cash goods [Nicholson,2007] Tesco developed their business strategies in 4 parts, one is for the strong UK core business, 2nd is for the non- food, 3rd is for the retailing services 4th is for the international services, With keeping the focus on the customer development they planned to help the customers in the flexible shopping, bringing the prices sensitivity in the business, offering the convenience of the either large or small stores with bringing of the sensitivity value of the complicated markets [Fraser,2009] Different research studies have been done focusing on the strategies of the Tesco in the Market Research Analysis. They had been point out that Tesco is a glance customer oriented superstore having wide capacity potentials of the growth in the business. Strategic activities behind the achievement of the recent market in the emergent situations are their competitive strength. However there is weakness of the availability of the researches on the marketing strategy of the research with analyzing the strategic tools of the implementation such as cost leadership, focused strategy, product differentiation oth er generic models. The proposed academic study is aiming to find out those aspects as the core business study in the research process. The improvement suggests that the strategy being pursued by the Sainsburys chief executive Justin King is now started to deliver, the figures were welcomed by Mr. King who this month celebrates his first year at the helm of the struggling company [King,2009] According to the Edward Garner, a spokesman for TNS super panel said that they are starting to see the positive results from the Sainsburys drive to improve their supply availability problems, its market share has lifted considerably from its low point of 15.3% seen in the September last year, but over the four weeks they had recruited 3000 new shop staff for delivering more food to shop stores to try to fill gaps on its shelves, there is totally 15.8% of the supermarket share of spending involved in the last year in Sainsburys [Garner,2009] The board is chaired by Philip Hampton appointed chairman on 19th July 2004, in 2006 board consists of the two executive directors, six non executive directors as well, during the last year company has compiled with the provisions of the combined code on the corporate governance. There is a clear division of the responsibilities between the chairman the chief executive which is set out of writing has been approved by the board, the review of the performance of the company with its principal operating subsidiaries set out during the year is in financial review of the annual report [Malpant,2008] Many researches have been done on the strategic planning of the Sainsburys in the market giving the appraisals of their performance measurements, growth tendency, market share, control management of business, rating of the company however still it hasnt make any study in depth towards the market development product development strategies adopted by the Sainsburys in the emergent market for the growth of the business. There is a little research has been done on the exact perception of the market considered by the Sainsburys as their regular business activity. The proposed res earch will be trying to find out the norms of the market development which are measured in core process of the management of the supermarket with showing its impact on the public towards the business development in London. The strategic aims of the proposed academic work is to make the comparative analysis of the both of the giant supermarkets in London with making the analytical review of the adopted policies strategies in the framework of the research. It will be focusing on to find out the weakness in the strategic management development of the supermarkets in the competitive business environment with suggesting the suitable feasible guidelines in the business development in the emergent market. There are different kinds of strategic analysis tools applies in the supermarket, i.e. Swot, Pestel, Ansoff matrix, Poters generic, Poters five forces, Marketing Mix analysis. Using these different tools different supermarket is operating their business makes their business strategy. I choose Marketing Mix for my research. Marketing mix conducted with 7Ps (Product, Price, place, Promotion, People, Process, Physical evidence) Product- it involves gives customer value. And range of different type of product found in one place. Price- In supermarket customer get reasonable price of good product. And also found companies own branded product in low price. Place- In giant supermarket, here is the place where consumer can get the goods through the different channels. Promotion- It refers about the offer of the product like, buy one get one free, half price etc. People- It reflects about the customer service and also involving management, customer, employees. Process- it about the method of service can customer get like, self check out, home delivery etc. Physical evidence- It refers to the using a service product. While serve to the customer, it is important that give advice customer what they get or not. Methodology The research will be using the systematic terminology of Yin methodology. This will be an exploratory causal research giving focus on the implementations of the strategic plans of the business by the reputed supermarkets in London. Analytical review will be taken of Tesco Sainsburys as a giant leading supermarkets in London making means ends relationships of the different variables in the strategic planning. On going through the methodological issues of the work study, study will be impacting through the data gathering data analysis perspectives. Data Gathering- Primary data will be gathered with regular visits in the supermarkets. Survey will be conducted about the customers choice to accept the products as per the brands available in the market. Observation will be made about the tendencies of the customers towards constructing their purchase profile in the supermarket. Questionnaires will be raised to the customer making enquiry about the suitability of their choices their reasons behind the acceptances. Interviews will be taken to collect information about the commensurate strategic plans of the business. Secondary data will be gathered with reading different books, journals, articles, magazines, news paper for the data gathering. Such a methodological approach is seen the different empirical studies of the supermarkets giving the adaptable useful conclusions. Qualitative quantitative data will be gathered for the purpose of executing the academic research. The research will be a representative sample analysis will be measured on the basis of the clustered sampling scheme for the group of the customers. It will be useful to implicate the results of the market development strategy of the supermarket plans for the future development. It will analyze the strategic tools applicable in the day to day business operations of the supermarket along with the finding out the weaknesses to take the remedial actions. Data Analysis- Imperative analysis of the collected data is the strategic goal of the study. The research will be based on the cause effect relationships of the variables available in the business in the respective analysis. Grounded theory will be used in the systematic analytical review of the information focusing on the area of the research. Competency of the researcher will be presented in the research in the technical utility of the Programs Evaluation Review Techniques [PRET]. In the techniques strategic programs information got from the interviews with the employees managers will be studied in depth to grasp the strategy of the supermarkets in the business. For my research proposal I choose questionnaires method for data collection from supermarkets customer. My question format conducted with 5 question of marketing mix. This questionnaires format served to 10 respondents of supermarket to get research findings. Data Presentation- Data will be presented with the help of using charts, diagrams, tables based on the trial interviews questionnaires raised for the data gathering. Useful statistical techniques of chi-square test, regression analysis, co-relation, central tendency will be used to presenting effective information in the tables charts. Findings Questionnaires format under marketing mix strategic analysis. The findings are given below: Price- Among the 10 respondent, 7 answered a, 2 answered b and 1 answered c. Therefore, most of the customer like low price for purchasing product from supermarket. Product- Among the 10 respondent, 6 answered a, 3 answered b and 1 answered c. Therefore, most of the customer like variety ranges of product for purchasing product from supermarket. Promotion- Among the 10 respondent, 3 answered a, 5 answered b and 2 answered c. Therefore, most of the customer likes half price for purchasing product from supermarket. Place- Among the 10 respondent, 4 answered a, 5 answered b and 1 answered c. Therefore, most of the customer likes parking facility for purchasing product from supermarket. Process- Among the 10 respondent, 8 answered a, 1 answered b and 1 answered c. Therefore, most of the customer likes self check out system for purchasing product from supermarket. Conclusion Research Development is done in the business activities in order to act as the tool of guidance direction in the imperative business plan. It gives the strategic critical success factor for an organization in order to develop its market status. The planned research will be the useful guideline for the customers to determine their product search as well as it will help the supermarkets in knowing about their weaknesses effective measures to overcome that weakness in commensuration of the remedial actions. The research will be exclusively devoted towards the growth development of the supermarket strategy in London; therefore it will present the positive norms standards towards the aim of the research. Confidentiality of the strategic information in the business will be made in order to not to disturb the issues of the supermarkets in the close market competition. Confidentiality will be assured as interviews will be taken personally for the every employee in a convenient time and opinions will be recorded in a separate sheet in order to draft an academic report. Potential consumers will be requested to give opinions about their choices of the products brand acceptances in the view of the focal point in the research analysis to draw the suitable perspective conclusion recommendations.

Euphoric And Dysphoric Phases In Marriage :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Despite all the fashionable theories of marriage, the narratives and the feminists, the reasons to engage in marriage largely remain the same. True, there have been role reversals and new stereotypes have cropped up. But the biological, physiological and biochemical facts were less amenable to modern criticisms of culture. Men are still men and women are still women in more than one respect. Men and women marry for the same reasons : The Sexual Dyad – formed due to sexual attraction and in order to secure a stable, consistent and permanently available source of sexual gratification. The Economic Dyad – To form a functioning economic unit within which the economic activities of the members of the dyad and of additional entrants will be concentrated. The economic unit generates more wealth than it consumes and the synergy between its members is likely to lead to gains in production and in productivity relative to individual efforts and investment. The Social Dyad – The members of the couple bond as a result of implicit or explicit, direct, or indirect social pressure. This pressure can manifest itself in numerous forms. In Judaism, a person cannot belong to some religious vocations, unless he is married. This is economic pressure. In most human societies, avowed bachelors are considered to be socially deviant and abnormal. They are condemned by society, ridiculed, shunned and isolated, effectively ex-communicated. Partly to avoid these sanctions and partly to enjoy the warmth provided by conformity and acceptance, couples marry. Today, a myriad of lifestyles is on offer. The old fashioned, nuclear marriage is one of many variants. Children are reared by single parents. Homosexual couples abound. But in all this turbulence, a pattern is discernible : almost 95% of the adult population gets married ultimately. They settle into a two-member arrangement, whether formalized and sanctioned religiously or legally – or n ot. The Companionship Dyad – Formed by adults in search of sources of long-term and stable support, emotional warmth, empathy, care, good advice and intimacy. The members of these couples tend to define themselves as each other's best friends. It is folk wisdom to state that the first three types of dyad arrangements suffer from instability. Sexual attraction wanes and is replaced by sexual attrition in most cases. This could lead to the adoption of non-conventional sexual behaviour patterns (sexual abstinence, group sex, couple swapping, etc.